By Sun Bear and Wabun

"The Medicine Wheel is a springboard of power that will allow you to link up to all the energies of the universe."
—Sun Bear
In The Medicine Wheel, Sun Bear and Wabun put forth a whole new system of earth astrology which has helped guide millions of people all over the world not only in their daily living but also in understanding their life path. In the authors' own words, this book was written to "help all people relate better to our Earth Mother...and find a kinship with the universe." The Medicine Wheel is a beautiful and inspiring approach to graceful, holistic living in trying modern times. The medicine wheel philosophy is derived from a basic principle known by all people who live close to the earth: once you fully embrace the elemental forces of nature, you become a part of the whole. Let this book, now in print for over thirty-eight years and available in thirteen languages, be your first step toward finding peace and prosperity -- and your own special place in the circle of life.
“Sun Bear is a proud example for the generations to come... I am proud that I have lived at the same time as this great, warm, loving and caring person."
--- the late Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, M.D., author of On Death and Dying